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Global Mate F.C (GMFC) was registered in the Securities and Exchange(SEC) with Certificate No. CS201907213 on May 20,2019 GMFC is located at Unit 5 G/F Le Mirage De Malate Bldg., A Mabini St.Brgy. 701, Malate, Manila NCR.

The owner saw an opportunity in the lending industry. So she decided to put up an organization which they named GLOBAL MATE F.C (GMFC). She believed that money is the Most basic requirements of the daily routine. In our time today, where growth of civilization is going very fast, we need more money because of the increasing prices of everything. Money lending is very
Important for a person who is in need. Global Mate Fast Cash allows the person to lend money to use At any necessary needs but in return they have to pay for it plus its strain.

The company is now operating more efficiently with its well-trained,experienced, and Dedicated workers.


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